пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


Logical replication allows more flexibility than physical replication does, including replication between different major versions of PostgreSQL and selective replication. If both levels of nestloop needed to pass the same variable into their right-hand sides, an incorrect plan would be generated. Previously, the "same" value might be accepted or not depending on the timezone setting, meaning that a dump and reload could fail on a value that had been accepted when presented. The sample code has been adjusted to match Oracle's behavior more precisely. Columns can be included even if their data types don't have B-tree support. This resulted in a badly broken partitioned table that could neither be accessed nor dropped. Since setlocale is not thread-local, and might not even be thread-safe, the previous coding caused problems in multi-threaded ecpg applications. postgres 8.4.2

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This makes the planner's rules about what data is visible match up with the executor's, avoiding 8.2 plans. A transaction using an outdated snapshot will get an error if it attempts to read a page that potentially could have contained such data.

Postgres Changelog - All Versions

For more information see https: Rearrange makefiles to ensure that programs link to freshly-built libraries such as libpq. That behavior seems unhelpful, so skip the check, allowing the index to be rebuilt where it is.

postgres 8.4.2

Allow aggregate functions on partitioned tables to be evaluated separately for each partition, subsequently merging the results Jeevan Chalke, Ashutosh Bapat, Robert Powtgres. If we reissue the fsync request it will succeed, but in fact the data has been lost, so continuing risks database corruption. Allow make options to be passed down to gmake when non-GNU make is invoked at the top level Thomas Munro.

Postgges index tuples are now marked as such when an index scan notices that the corresponding heap tuple is dead. Previously, the foreign join pushdown infrastructure left the question of security entirely up to individual foreign data wrappers, but that made it too easy for 8.2 FDW to inadvertently create subtle security holes. Fix incorrect planning of queries in which a lateral reference must be evaluated at a foreign table scan Tom Lane.

This behavior is required by the SQL standard.

postgres 8.4.2

This is useful in subdirectories that might be built "standalone". This replaces the hardcoded, undocumented file name dh Add pgbench option --log-prefix to control the log file prefix Masahiko Sawada. Composite types in arrays must now be written as Python tuples, not lists, to resolve the ambiguity; that is, write [ col1, col2col1, col2 ] instead.

Below you will find a detailed account of the changes between PostgreSQL 9. Previously all security policies were permissive, meaning that any matching policy allowed access.

Previously, such cases failed if the same target column was mentioned more than once, e. The code had been assuming that such strings must be in UTF-8, and would throw an error if they didn't appear to be validly encoded. This makes no difference at the moment, but back-patching this change should allow speedier introduction of future minor protocol upgrades.

postgres 8.4.2

However, if you are upgrading from a version earlier than This avoids two problems with input exceeding 4G lines: Previously, checkpoints wrote out dirty pages in whatever order they happen to appear in shared buffers, which usually is nearly random.

We don't consider that to be good extension coding practice, but it mostly worked before parallel query, so continue to support it for now. Also, sequences created for SERIAL columns now generate positive bit wide values, whereas previous versions generated bit wide values. Previously, partition elimination only happened at planning time, meaning many joins and prepared queries posrgres not use partition elimination.

Posggres avoids possible failures during munmap on systems with atypical default huge page sizes.

Postgres Release Notes - All Versions

Those are now deprecated. In CVE or CVE we added 8.4.2 to forestall that, but we failed to consider the effects of row-level security. Previously, partition information would not be displayed for a partitioned table if it had no partitions.

This is particularly useful in the new psql conditional branch commands. Also, throw the expected error for bad field names. The only known symptom of this problem so far is crashes in some parallel aggregation queries.

While it has always been possible for a superuser to change the privilege assignments for built-in or extension-created objects, such changes were formerly lost in a dump and reload. In general, an attacker with the ability to select the connection parameters for a libpq -using application could cause mischief, though other plausible attack scenarios are harder to think of.

Backends failed to account for this snapshot when advertising their oldest xmin, potentially allowing concurrent vacuuming operations to remove data that was still needed.

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